&hint1=I depict men of the Argive race& &hint2=My subjects were equally devoted to their mother and to the goddess Hera& &hint3=Those after whom I was modeled were sacrificed& &hint4=I depict what were considered to be two ideal Greek citizens& &choices=Apollo with Centaur and Lapith Woman;Coatlicue;Inanna/Ishtar wearing a crown of lunar horns;Cleobis and Biton;Standing Buddha, from Takht-I-Bahai;Zeus or Poseidon& &answer=Cleobis and Biton& &search=Cleobis Biton& &title=Cleobis and Biton& &artist=& &medium=Marble& &date=c.580 BCE& &location=Argive treasury at Delphi, Greece& &dimensions=height 6'6"&